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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Sidekick update for HTTPS protocol adoption

The beginning of December 2018, Electrolux will change the internet protocol used for connecting to its servers in order to improve the security of its applications; the current HTTP protocol will be replaced with the secure HTTPS protocol.

The adoption of the HTTPS protocol will not affect the SidekickPC users who are currently using the 3.7 version of the program.

Users who are still using SidekickPC (or an older version) will get an error message after the protocol switching.

As soon as these users will try to activate (or deactivate) their license ot try to update thei local database, the following error message will appear:


To avoid this issue, there are two possible solutions that must be performed BEFORE the switch to the new protocol.
The first possibility is upgrading SidekickPC to the 3.7 version before December 2018: user should simply run a full database update and accept the upgrade proposal:

The second possibility should be considered if user is going to use an old SidekickPC version or if user didn't upgrade his SidekickPC before December 2018.
In this case user will have to replace the three internet addresses used by SidekickPC with the following:
The first address is used for the license management: user should select the Commands -> License Manager menu, copy and paste the correct address and save the changes:
The other two addresses are used for database updating and version upgrading.
User should select the Commands -> Update menu and enable the parameters editing by pressing the lock button that lies at the top left of the program window.
After unlocking the parameters editing, user should copy and paste the correct addresses in the correspondent address bars:
After the address modifying, it's better to test the modified addresses by pressing the green button that lies at the left of the address bars.
If user gets no errors, he should press the lock button in order to disable the parameters editing.  

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