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Terms Of Use
Electrolux maintains Sidekick and Sidekick Portal as a service to Electrolux Direct Services and Electrolux Service Contractors.
All content in Sidekick and Sidekick portal is the property of Electrolux.
The services provided may be used for service purposes only. It is not allowed to distribute any of the information except as permitted.
By using Sidekick and Sidekick portal you will accept the terms of use.
Whilst information provided through the Sidekick portal is believed to be correct at the time of inclusion, Electrolux makes no representation or warranty concerning it, any hypertext links or any other information obtained directly or indirectly from the Sidekick portal and accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in the Sidekick portal.
All information is provided and is to be used on the understanding that Electrolux will not be liable for any liability, damage or expense of whatever kind arising, whether wholly or partly and whether directly or indirectly, in consequence of the use of, or any reliance placed upon, such information and/or software programs by the visitor or any other person. Electrolux reserves the right to make changes and corrections at any time without notice.

Version 2.7.0 - January 2023 Electrolux Terms Of Use